WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:04.372 The culture of risk-taking, enterprises and innovation, 2 00:00:05.102 --> 00:00:08.272 which are related, 3 00:00:08.845 --> 00:00:12.165 involves the admission of mistakes, 4 00:00:12.490 --> 00:00:15.673 the admission of failure. 5 00:00:15.927 --> 00:00:19.971 Only if you try, you can eventually fail. 6 00:00:20.198 --> 00:00:24.297 To make a mistake in Italian also means to leave the main road, 7 00:00:24.520 --> 00:00:28.250 and that's how you find new ways to get a result. 8 00:00:28.480 --> 00:00:31.394 We must reward those who do that. 9 00:00:31.582 --> 00:00:34.211 When I made the law on start-ups, 10 00:00:34.419 --> 00:00:37.181 I asked to edit the insolvency law, 11 00:00:37.374 --> 00:00:41.440 because that law in Italy put a sort of permanent mark 12 00:00:41.637 --> 00:00:44.113 on those who went bankrupt. 13 00:00:44.312 --> 00:00:47.314 However, those who try in innovation, in research, 14 00:00:47.513 --> 00:00:51.188 in start-ups have at least 50% chance to fail. 15 00:00:51.361 --> 00:00:56.008 They should be punished, but also encouraged to stand up 16 00:00:56.202 --> 00:00:58.476 and start all over again. 17 00:00:58.700 --> 00:01:02.491 The idea of falling and getting up again is part of life. 18 00:01:03.977 --> 00:01:07.939 And I have tried to teach that to my children, 19 00:01:08.143 --> 00:01:11.369 as physiology of life, it's not a pathology of life, 20 00:01:11.621 --> 00:01:15.467 making a mistake, falling, starting all over again. 21 00:01:16.083 --> 00:01:19.548 The concept of competence has two faces, 22 00:01:19.792 --> 00:01:23.028 and it's important to know this. 23 00:01:23.698 --> 00:01:27.575 You can be competent… 24 00:01:27.887 --> 00:01:31.547 ...by choosing the maximum of specialisation. 25 00:01:31.841 --> 00:01:35.328 The world needs great specialists in any field, 26 00:01:36.115 --> 00:01:39.141 being it scientific, humanistic, or legal, fields of any kind. 27 00:01:39.392 --> 00:01:44.188 Specialised competence requires a constant update, 28 00:01:46.263 --> 00:01:50.448 and an ability to discover what is changing in the world 29 00:01:51.048 --> 00:01:54.451 in any field of specialisation, always. 30 00:01:54.664 --> 00:01:57.460 This is the competence deriving from specialisation. 31 00:01:57.662 --> 00:02:02.463 Then there's a rarer competence, which doesn’t mean it’s better, 32 00:02:03.152 --> 00:02:06.264 but it's a precious ability, 33 00:02:06.775 --> 00:02:10.720 which is that of gathering competences, 34 00:02:11.116 --> 00:02:15.622 which means being an entrepreneur, or being a public administrator, 35 00:02:15.987 --> 00:02:19.700 being an all-round manager, 36 00:02:21.222 --> 00:02:24.631 being an entrepreneur. 37 00:02:24.825 --> 00:02:28.070 Entrepreneurs, or public administrators, 38 00:02:28.259 --> 00:02:30.902 up to politicians, 39 00:02:31.135 --> 00:02:35.442 if they do their job properly, they have a different kind of competence. 40 00:02:35.913 --> 00:02:40.447 They gather specialists, other competences, leaders, 41 00:02:40.694 --> 00:02:42.856 they are orchestra conductors, 42 00:02:43.056 --> 00:02:46.192 who have to gather the best instruments, 43 00:02:46.414 --> 00:02:49.597 without necessarily being an expert in each instrument. 44 00:02:49.817 --> 00:02:53.256 They are trainers, facilitators of other competences. 45 00:02:53.490 --> 00:02:58.288 We might define such competence as holistic, synthetic, 46 00:02:59.617 --> 00:03:04.171 the competence of aggregating, of leadership, 47 00:03:04.388 --> 00:03:07.832 it is a competence that one can develop. 48 00:03:08.024 --> 00:03:10.812 It's not something that you either have or not have. 49 00:03:10.984 --> 00:03:13.583 You either are an artist, or you are not an artist. 50 00:03:13.773 --> 00:03:17.407 You can develop such precious and necessary competence 51 00:03:17.563 --> 00:03:20.080 by gaining experience in different fields, 52 00:03:20.252 --> 00:03:22.365 in different functions, 53 00:03:22.545 --> 00:03:25.714 by accepting the challenge to make new things, 54 00:03:25.939 --> 00:03:28.994 to start from zero, several times during your lifetime, 55 00:03:29.208 --> 00:03:34.045 and it's one of the biggest needs of our countries, 56 00:03:34.622 --> 00:03:37.944 and one of the rarest ones. 57 00:03:38.195 --> 00:03:41.482 Over time, I have understood, with myself, 58 00:03:41.646 --> 00:03:45.515 first with people close to me, then with those who worked with me, 59 00:03:45.705 --> 00:03:50.912 that rationality is indeed very important, your mind, 60 00:03:51.413 --> 00:03:56.374 but your heart, which means ideals, your guts, which means fear, 61 00:03:56.554 --> 00:04:00.291 feelings, difficulties... 62 00:04:00.495 --> 00:04:03.833 are as important as your mind. 63 00:04:04.052 --> 00:04:07.206 When you manage people, 64 00:04:07.402 --> 00:04:11.335 when you think to your future, when you build your own family, 65 00:04:11.528 --> 00:04:16.480 this mistake, or better, such limited vision 66 00:04:17.077 --> 00:04:22.982 of the rational aspect of life gives space to a broader freedom, 67 00:04:27.632 --> 00:04:32.447 where feelings have more space.