Digital identity is formed by the personal data stored on the Internet, like username and password.
Passwords registered on the Internet are formed:
37% by letters
31% by letters and numbers
26% by numbers
6% by letters, numbers and other punctuation characters
Daily Internet users are 2.4 billion: about one third of global population.
There are about 4 billion e-mail accounts in the world.
86% of USA companies consult social media to study the candidates’ profiles.
Stealing the digital identity means using the personal data of another person for fraud and purchases.
2013, United States: 13.1 million digital identities were stolen, about one per second.
More than 50 Internet websites allow deciding the destiny of one’s digital identities in case of death.
Today, there are about 300 million “in memoriam” pages on Facebook.

The BirdFeeder; Credit Report Problems; CNN; Visiblegains; Corriere della Sera; Wishpond
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